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Children, Adolescents, Substance Abuse, and the Media From the American Academy of Pediatrics. Abstract. The causes of adolescent substance use are multifactorial, but the media can play a key role. Tobacco and alcohol represent the 2 most significant drug threats to adolescents. More than $2. 5 billion per year is spent on advertising for tobacco, alcohol, and prescription drugs, and such advertising has been shown to be effective. Digital media are increasingly being used to advertise drugs. In addition, exposure to PG- 1.
R- rated movies at an early age may be a major factor in the onset of adolescent tobacco and alcohol use. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a ban on all tobacco advertising in all media, limitations on alcohol advertising, avoiding exposure of young children to substance- related (tobacco, alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs) content on television and in PG- 1. R- rated movies, incorporating the topic of advertising and media into all substance abuse–prevention programs, and implementing media education programs in the classroom. INTRODUCTIONAlthough parents, schools, and the federal government are trying to get children and teenagers to “just say no” to drugs, more than $2. In addition, television programs and movies contain appreciable amounts of substance use. The Hills Season 1 Episode 3 Watch Online on this page. Unlike traditional advertising, media depictions of legal drugs are generally positive and invite no criticism, because they are not viewed as advertising.
The result is that young people receive mixed messages about substance use, and the media contribute significantly to the risk that young people will engage in substance use. ADOLESCENT DRUG USEAlthough illegal drugs take their toll on American society, 2 legal drugs—alcohol and tobacco—pose perhaps the greatest danger to children and teenagers. Both represent significant gateway drugs and are among the earliest drugs used by children or teenagers. A preadolescent or adolescent who smokes tobacco or drinks alcohol is 6. The younger the age at which experimentation occurs, the greater the risk of serious health problems. Every year, more than 4. Americans die from illnesses directly related to cigarette use—more than from AIDS, car crashes, murder, and suicide combined.
More than 1. 00 0. Drug use also represents one of many risky behaviors that occur during adolescence: teenagers who report that at least half of their friends are sexually active are 3. EFFECTS OF ADVERTISINGThe power of advertising to influence children and adolescents (and adults, for that matter) is incontrovertible. Advertising works; otherwise, companies would not spend billions of dollars on it.
Many ads use celebrity endorsers, humor, rock music, or attractive young models, all of which have been shown to be effective with children and adolescents. Advertising makes smoking and drinking seem like normative activities and may function as a “superpeer” in subtly pressuring teenagers to experiment. Research has revealed that advertising may be responsible for up to 3. Cigarettes. More money is spent advertising tobacco than any drug—an estimated $1. National Institutes of Health spends each year to study all aspects of health (www.
The tobacco industry (often referred to as “Big Tobacco”) has engaged in a systematic campaign to attract underage smokers for decades and then lied to Congress about it. Given the demographics of smoking (1. Recent statistics show that they continue to succeed.
According to the 2. Monitoring the Future study, nearly half of all teenagers have tried smoking, as have 2. Cigarette advertising seems to increase teenagers' risk of smoking by glamorizing smoking and smokers. Smokers are depicted as young, independent, rebellious, healthy, and adventurous. By contrast, the adverse consequences of smoking are never shown.
As a result, the US Surgeon General concluded in 1. The most heavily advertised brands of cigarettes are also the most popular.
Tobacco advertising may even trump strong parenting practices. Teen magazines have attracted an increasing number of cigarette ads since 1. Numerous studies have revealed that children or teenagers who pay closer attention to cigarette ads, who are able to recall such ads more easily, or who own promotional items are more likely to become smokers themselves. Joe Camel single- handedly increased the market share for Camel cigarettes from 0. A recent meta- analysis of 5.
Alcohol. Approximately $6 billion is spent annually on alcohol advertising and promotion. Similar to tobacco ads, beer commercials are virtually custom- made to appeal to children and adolescents, using images of fun- loving, sexy, successful young people having the time of their lives. Unlike tobacco advertising, alcohol advertising faces few restrictions. For example, whereas the tobacco industry gave up television advertising in the 1. Much of the advertising is concentrated during teen- oriented shows and sports programming. All of the top- 1. Currently, teenagers are 4.
PSA) that discourages underage drinking. Teen- oriented magazines contain 4. Watch Jumpin` Jack Flash Putlocker. According to the research, the effects of all of this advertising are increasingly clear. A sample of 9- to 1.
Budweiser frogs nearly as frequently as they could Bugs Bunny. In a study of more than 3.
South Dakota students, 7. Budweiser ferret ad. Many studies have revealed that exposure to alcohol advertising results in more positive beliefs about drinking and is predictive of drinking during early adolescence and young adulthood. The results of several longitudinal studies have shown a similar trend,5.
Prescription Drugs. Nearly $4 billion is spent annually on prescription drug advertising. Drug companies now spend more than twice as much money on marketing as they do on research and development, and studies have revealed that the marketing efforts pay off. Children and teenagers get the message that there is a pill to cure all ills and a drug for every occasion, including sexual intercourse. In the first 1. 0 months of 2. Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Yet, the advertising of condoms, birth control pills, and emergency contraception is haphazard and rare and remains controversial.
DRUGS IN ENTERTAINMENT MEDIACigarettes. Scenes with smoking remain common in movies and, to a lesser extent, on prime- time television.
Hollywood seems to use smoking as a shorthand for troubled or antiestablishment characters, but the smoking status of the actors themselves is also influential in whether their characters will smoke on- screen.